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Cosmetic Formula Potentiated With The Innovative Azelaic Acid + Retinoid Association

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Product Description

Cosmetic gel formulation potentiated by the combination of azelaic acid, a new-generation retinoid (HPR) and α-hydroxy acids. Thanks to their keratolytic, bacteriostatic and sebum-normalising properties, these active ingredients help to counter the formation and development of comedones (whiteheads and blackheads), reducing the clogging of pilosebaceous follicles. Keeps the proliferation of Cutibacterium acnes* under control, preventing the pro-inflammatory effects and biofilm formation it triggers. Has been designed to work on skin blemishes showing in acne-prone skin and any marks that may be left over, even in the adult age.
Tested to be non-comedogenic.

*In vitro test.

Recommended For

Intensive cosmetic treatment, adjuvant to medication, for seborrhoeic, acne-prone skin.

How To Use

After cleansing skin, apply once a day, preferably in the evening. Suspending treatment during periods of increased sun exposure and using an adequate sunscreen is recommended.


Azelaic acid: regulates sebum, modulates keratinisation and is bacteriostatic. Works on all the components of acne: counters the inflammatory processes in the follicle, controls the excess of sebum secretion, normalises keratinization, counters the proliferation of Cutibacterium acnes

Retinoid (Hydroxyacolone retinoate): normalises keratinisation and helps to reduce inflammation. Non-photosensitising.

Glycolic acid: performs a keratolytic action on the keratin clogs in the pilosebaceous ducts, reducing the obstruction of comedones and countering their evolution into papules and pustules.

Succinic acid: keratolytic and antibacterial against C. acnes

Azetrap System™: complex lamellar structure that gradually releases Azelaic Acid

Product Specs

30 ml Tube

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